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Saturday 1 November 2014

This post is about what happens when you dare to mix the most commonly drunk liquids in the world- Coke and milk. I watched an experiment which involved mixing Coca-Cola and milk and was very curious about what I saw. So I read a bit on it.
So what is really happens when Coca-Cola and milk mixes? Basically, the acid in the Coke curdles the milk. The curd formed is normally regarded as non-absorbable because of its insolubility.

Here’s the chemical equation for the reaction:
3Ca + 2H3PO4 —> Ca3(PO4)2 + 3H2

 I know of an engineer friend who would not take any soft drink because some studies have suggested that the high levels of phosphoric acid in soft drinks like Coke can increase the chances of osteoporosis for people who don’t get enough calcium in their diet.

Coca-cola makes an excellent household detergent - it can be used to take tarnish off of pennies and to degrease car engines.

Related; Coca-Cola and Milk Experiment;Watch video here

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Friday 24 October 2014

In my post U.S citizens to be screened for Ebola in Rwanda, I stated that it's quite ridiculous to screen U.S and Spanish citizens for Ebola considering their 'insignificant' Ebola cases recorded - well, now, the government of Rwanda is exempting citizens from the above named countries from the screening.

Related;Mali records first Ebola case

Rwanda health ministry has reversed the mandated screening for U.S and Spanish visitors and rendered an apology.
'' The ministry of health is removing special screening  of travelers from U.S and Spain'' said the Rwanda's minister of health, Agnes Binagwaho. ''Apologies for any inconveniences caused by my decision.''

 Ebola has killed thousands since the outbreak in March, mostly in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea. Mali recorded its first Ebola case on Thursday October 23, 2014, sparking fears the hemorrhagic virus is spreading like a harmattan bush fire.

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Mali, one of the countries that shares border with Guinea, one of the worst Ebola-hit countries, has reported its first Ebola case. Mali's health ministry in the capital Bamako confirmed the case yesterday Thursday October 23, 2014.

Related; U.S citizens to be screened for Ebola in Rwanda

A medical source confirmed that the patient is a 2-year old girl who tested positive for the virus after arriving with her grandmother from Guinea.

''As of October 19, there were 1,289 confirmed cases in Guinea, with a total of 904 deaths.
In total, 4,877 people have died of the disease and experts warned that the rate of infections could reach 10,000 a week by early December.'' ALJAZEERA

Related; Science Conference; Gene Repair in Combatting Ebola and AIDS in Africa

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Wednesday 22 October 2014

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Ebola Screening
In the wake of the deadly hemorrhagic Ebola virus, the East African nation Rwanda, is screening all visitors from all countries which have had a recorded Ebola case, in bid to ensure the health and safety of it's citizens.

That is to say all travelers from Sierra Leone, Liberia, Republic of Guinea (Conakry), Spain and the United States of America are to undergo Ebola screening for the next 21 days, each day. Ridiculous as it may sound, especially considering the populations of Spain and US and their 'insignificant' recorded Ebola cases, it is true.
The U.S embassy in Rwanda posted the following notice on their website

''On October 19, the Rwandan Ministry of Health introduced new Ebola Virus Disease screening requirements. Visitors who have been in the United States or Spain during the last 22 days are now required to report their medical condition -- regardless of whether they are experiencing symptoms of Ebola -- by telephone by dialing 114 between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. for the duration of their visit to Rwanda (if less than 21 days), or for the first 21 days of their visit to Rwanda. Rwandan authorities continue to deny entry to visitors who traveled to Guinea, Liberia, Senegal, or Sierra Leone within the past 22 days." 
Ebola Surveillance Form, Rwanda

There you have it...Well if you ask me, I think Rwanda is just being 'Ebola proof'....

NEWS; Rwanda reverses decision to screen U.S citizens for Ebola

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You may also like;
Hand Sanitizers and Ebola- What You Need to Know
Science Conference; Gene Repair in Combatting Ebola and AIDS in Africa
I love football and I'm always happy whenever I have the opportunity to use football for analogy. How about having all the best footballers in the world in one team? Their achievements would be very huge, to say the least. That is exactly what this conference is all about- bringing together the best to achieve immensely.
The theme of the conference is quite fascinating- Gene Repair in Combatting Ebola and AIDS in Africa. I don't want to waste your time.. Let me post here what the CEO of Kings and Queens Medical International Group(KQMIG), Ghana, Dr. Jerryson Gidisu had to say about this conference.

"Dear  Prospective Participant,

Kings and Queens Medical International Group, Ghana   presents to you  the First World Scientific Conference 2015 in Ghana on the theme: Gene Repair in Combating Ebola and AIDS in Africa.
The Ghana Scientific Conference  formally invites all  Medical Researchers, Practitioners, Scientists, Biotechnologists, Pharmaceutical Companies, Alternate Medicine Practitioners, Hospitals, Medical Universities,  Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners, Students and  the General Public to Attend.
The Main Aim of this World Scientific Conference 2015, Ghana is to bring on board world renowned scientists, researchers and biotechnologists to brainstorm on  gene repair and ways of discovering new drugs to combat or eradicate EBOLA and AIDS Virus in Africa and the World.
Visit the official website: www.wscghana.org      
and Register for this conference''

Ok, so there you have it. Kindly visit the website to read more and register for this conference.

Hope you enjoyed reading this. Kindly drop your comments below and don't forget to subscribe to this blog for more interesting information.

You may also like;
Hand Sanitizers and Ebola- What You Need to Know

Thursday 16 October 2014

Many of us enjoy football for several reasons ;to keep fit, make a living and mostly have fun watching others (professionals) play. Watching football at a stadium or with family and friends at home on TV is fun, to say the least. There are thousands if not millions of football competitions globally but for the purposes of this article, we'll be talking mainly of the biggest football competition on the African continent- The African Cup of Nations.

"The Africa Cup of Nations, officially CAN (French: Coupe d'Afrique des Nations), also referred to as African Cup of Nations, African Nations Cup, or AFCON, is the main international association football competition in Africa. It is sanctioned by the Confederation of African Football (CAF), and was first held in 1957. Since 1968, it has been held every two years. The title holders at the time of a FIFA Confederations Cup qualify for that competition." Wikipedia.
ultimate health ghana-EbolaVs2015AFCON

The next edition of the CAN is scheduled to be the 30th edition of the Africa Cup of Nations, the football championship of Africa (CAF), held from 17 January to 8 February 2015.For the second time, the tournament is scheduled to be hosted by Morocco, who previously hosted it in 1988.
With the outbreak of Ebola on the continent, the proposed hosts Morocco, fears and doubts hosting of the competition.

"CAF wrote to us and indicated that Morocco had given strong indications they would pull out if CAF did not change the date," Ghana Youth and Sports minister Mahama Ayariga said.
 Many football lovers are asking questions;
'' Is it advisable to play the next edition of the CAN considering the worst outbreak of Ebola in history?''
'' Will CAF still organise CAN prioritizing the monetary loss over the potential spread of Ebola?''
''Should I go to Morocco come January 2015 to watch CAN, when it happens?''
The questions can go on and on. My faithful readers, I would like to rest my fingers here. You can drop your questions in the comments and don't forget to subscribe to this blog for more updates.

Hope you enjoyed reading this. Kindly drop your comments below and don't forget to subscribe to this blog for more interesting information.

Related Videos;
Ebola Vs African Cup of Nations
Ebola Epidermic out of Control. Watch video here
President Obama delivers message to West Africa on Ebola

Saturday 4 October 2014

You might have been advised by many health books to always choose fish over meat because of the optimum levels of cholesterol and fat found in many fish as compared to meat. And the truth is, it really is... most of the time.Fish is a low fat, high protein food that has a range of health benefits. However, given what we know of fish and its sources today, we may have to re-examine this statement.

Fish can either be one of the best foods for you or detrimental to your health depending on where it is sourced. There is a vast difference between  fish caught in the wild, farm-bred or farm-raised fish. The most common farm-raised fish are: salmon, tilapia, sea bass, catfish, and cod.

Why Tilapia?

Tilapia is one of favourite fish world wide. According to the National Fisheries Institute, the mild fish has climbed to become the fourth most eaten seafood in the U.S., behind only shrimp, salmon and canned tuna.
So why would farm-raised tilapia be dangerous to our health? Let's answer this question as objective as possible below...

 Reasons Farm-Raised Tilapia is Dangerous to your Health

  1.  Farmed tilapia may contain a significant  amount of cancer causing organic pollutants compared to the wild variety – This can most likely be attributed to the feeds that are used on farm raised fish. If you knew what went into the feeds of farm raised fish you would be horrified. Apparently, chicken feces is one of the main ingredients that go into farm fish feed. Not only that, the transfer of pig and duck waste to fish farms is also a very common practice.

    ultimatehealthGhana.blogspot.com-tilapia cage
    Tilapia Cage
  2.  Farm-bred fish have been found to have high concentrations of antibiotics and pesticides. Farm-bred tilapia are normally raised in cages. An average 2m by 3m by 1.5 m deep cage is normally stocked with about 1000 fingerlings. These fingerlings also reproduce, multiply, and excretory products compound as they grow. The crowded condition make the fish more prone to diseases. To keep them alive, farm owners give antibiotics to the fish to stave off disease. Farm-bred fish are also treated with pesticides to combat sea lice. The pesticides used to treat these fish are so deadly that they have been found to kill wild salmon that are accidentally exposed to them.                                                                                                      
  3. Lower levels of Healthy Nutrients                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Many consume fish hoping to reap the Omega-3 fatty acid benefits that come with it. However the Omega-3 acids found in farmed tilapia are less usable to the human body as compared to the wild-caught tilapia. And because farmed-tilapia are raised in cages, they have the tendency to grow fattier (and they do grow fat) which can lead to a high level of Omega-6. Too much Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids have been found to cause inflammation to the body.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
  4. Some Tilapia are fed with filth
    Farmed-tilapia aren't necessarily inferior to their wild-caught variety. And there's no guarantee that wild-caught tilapia are a safer fish source as they often ingest a variety of toxins and other pollutants that flow into the water ways. But in China and Taiwan, water pollution and the use of some unauthorised chemicals in Tilapia farming is a concern. (China is the world's largest producer of farm-raised tilapia, supplying about 40% of global production)

    One of the issues with tilapia farmed in China is that smaller independent farmers face economic pressures to use human excreta and animal manure rather than more expensive commercial feed for farmed fish, a practice which contaminates water and makes the fish more prone to spreading food-borne diseases.

     The Lesson

     These are some dangers linked to eating farm-raised tilapia. This blog '' never intends to paint tilapia as the cause of anything bad. Our goal is to provide consumers with more information about their fish'' as Dr. Floyd Chilton, professor of Physiology and Pharmacology at Wake Forest said. The big lesson here is to know where your tilapia is coming from.

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